The production of the wine is as natural as possible with the fewest possible inputs. The aim is to allow each grape variety to express its own aroma. No or very little sulphite is added. No mechanical manipulation (filtration, osmosis, ……). No chemicals at all.
Merlot red wine
- Winemaking in vats, grapes partially peeled, 20 days fermentation, emptying of vats and blending of press and juice wines
- Maturing in vats for a year and bottling without adding any sulphite, no filtration
- 100% Merlot
- Syrah / Cinsault (10%)
- Winemaking in vats, grapes totally peeled, 20-day fermentation, emptying of vats and blending of press and juice wines
- Maturing in vats and partly in barrels for a year and bottling without adding sulphite, no filtration
- 100% Chardonnay
- Winemaking called « Burgundy », direct pressing, blending of press and drip wines
- Maturing one year and bottling without addition of any sulphite, no filtration
Merlot rosé 2014 – 2016
- Winemaking by direct pressing and pellicular maceration and partial bleeding, blending the different juices of the same vine
- Maturing one year in vats and bottling without addition of sulphite, no filtration